Student Assistance Program (SAP)

The school counselor, April Kessler, is the SAP coordinator for The Kindergarten Center. Permission by a parent/guardian is required for any child to participate in any SAP related activity. Please do not hesitate to contact April Kessler with any questions related to SAP.

What is SAP?

The Student Assistance Program works in assisting students who appear to be experiencing barriers to their school success. These barriers may be related to emotional issues. The SAP team, which consists of trained faculty, administrators, pupil services personnel, and outside consultants, is available to help identify possible barriers and to offer appropriate intervention support. All referrals are confidential. The SAP team offers SAP assessments that are completed by an outside agency (Holcomb Behavioral Health) free of charge and are kept in strict confidence with that agency. The SAP assessor may offer suggestions for community resources based on the needs of the child.

**You may contact the school counselor at any time during the year if you would like to schedule an assessment with our SAP assessor for your child**