Counseling Program Mission Statement
The mission of the Southeast Delco School District School Counseling Program is to nurture, educate, and challenge students to become lifelong learners, possessing knowledge, compassion, a desire to serve the global community, and to promote equitable access to educational services to all students. The focus is a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students.
Are schools are staffed with School Counselors who can be found leading small groups, working with children individually, and collaborating with administrators, teachers, parents, and other outside school agencies. They often work with children on academic challenges, social challenges, and emotional concerns. While School Counselors are not "therapists," they are often the first place a parent can turn when there is a question or concern. School Counselors can help parents find needed services, gather information, and provide education on a number of typical and atypical school-related issues. Please feel free to use your school counselor as a "first stop" resource.
Counseling Core Curriculum
Guidance Lessons
Students will also be introduced to the STOP, WALK, TALK strategies. During lessons, students will participate in role-play scenarios to practice these strategies. Students will learn to use STOP, WALK, TALK strategies to respond to inappropriate remarks, gossip, cyberbullying and other forms of unsafe, disrespectful or bullying behavior. The role of the bystander is also highlighted.
Individual Counseling
Students can request to see me by asking their teachers for a guidance pass. I also see students as a result of a teacher or parent request. During individual meetings with students, I can help children understand and accept themselves, cope with family changes and/or family crises, develop decision-making skills, and practice conflict resolution skills and anger management techniques. The following are just a few examples of the situations in which school counselors can help their students:
My parents are getting a divorce. I'm scared about what is happening to our family.
My best friend and I seem to be fighting a lot lately. We just can't seem to get along.
I am the new student here at school and I am afraid that I just won't fit in.
My parents are fighting a lot more than they used to - is it something I did?
My father just lost his job and everyone at home seems so upset all of the time.
I have been having nightmares lately and it takes me so long to fall asleep at night.
My grandmother passed away.
Mommy just had a new baby and that baby is ruining everything!
I do my homework, but I can't seem to remember to bring it with me to school.
I am worried about my friend. She's been acting strangely lately.