Student Dress Code
Dress Code For Southeast Delco Students In Grades K-12
Shirts should fit properly. Midriff or undergarments should not be visible.
Strapless tops are not permitted.
Hooded sweatshirts are permissible as long as the hood is not pulled over the head while inside the school
Pants must fit properly and be worn at the waist. Midriff or undergarments should not be visible.
The length of all shorts and skirts must approach the top of the knee when standing.
All types of pants (i.e. cargo, yoga, sweatpants, leggings) are permissible as long as they conform to the first rule in this section. No manufactured rips in pants may be above the top of the knee.
Shoes must be completely secured on the feet.
Spiked heels are not permitted.
No headwear of any kind is permissible. The only exceptions to this rule are for religious dress or a medical necessity documented by a physician. A note from administration/school counselor/social worker may be provided in extreme circumstances.
Ski masks are not permitted.
Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn in school.
Mesh sports jerseys require a separate shirt to be worn underneath.
No clothing items may contain inappropriate language or images (i.e., violence, drugs/alcohol, hate speech, vulgar language, obscene/pornographic imagery etc…).
The administration reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress.
Students who do not adhere to these guidelines will not be permitted in class. The school may attempt to offer appropriate clothing if it is available. If it is not, parent(s)/guardian(s) will be called to provide appropriate clothing.
If you are not sure if an article of clothing conforms to the dress code requirements, please do not wear it.