District Map

Overall District Boundaries
Darby Township

The above picture shows the current school boundaries for the Darby Township School.
Directions to this school, a new window will open to Google Maps with the school's address filled in. Just fill in the starting address and directions will be calculated.

The above picture shows the current school boundaries for the Harris School.
Directions to this school, a new window will open to Google Maps with the school's address filled in. Just fill in the starting address and directions will be calculated.
Sharon Hill

The above picture shows the current school boundaries for the Sharon Hill School.
Directions to this school, a new window will open to Google Maps with the school's address filled in. Just fill in the starting address and directions will be calculated.

The above picture shows the current school boundaries for the Delcroft School.
Directions to this school, a new window will open to Google Maps with the school's address filled in. Just fill in the starting address and directions will be calculated.
Academy Park

The above picture shows the current school boundaries for the Academy Park High School.
Directions to this school, a new window will open to Google Maps with the school's address filled in. Just fill in the starting address and directions will be calculated.
Kindergarten Center

The above picture shows the current school boundaries for the Southeast Delco Kindergarten Center.
Directions to this school, a new window will open to Google Maps with the school's address filled in. Just fill in the starting address and directions will be calculated.